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Cartoon Coffee Break: Working and Learning From Home

Terry LaBan

Cartoonist and Illustrator

Editor's Note: This post is part of our "Cartoon Coffee Break" series. While we take talent management seriously, we also know it's important to have a good laugh. Check back regularly for a new ReWork cartoon.

When schools and universities were forced to close campuses due to COVID-19, everyone was sent home to finish up classes virtually. Overall, this quick switch has been challenging: Teachers have had to adapt their coursework and teaching styles to translate via video conference. Meanwhile, students have had to find ways to stay focused outside of a classroom setting.

But for parents of younger students, learning from home has been especially difficult. Traditionally, children pair locations with specific behaviors: Home is where they relax and play, and school is for work and learning. Therefore, outside a school building, it can be harder for them to focus. Without the physical presence of their teacher, it’s up to parents to keep them engaged throughout the ’school day.’ So while handling regular tasks tied to jobs or adult responsibilities, parents also have to be ready to help with a homework problem at a moment’s notice.

If you or someone you know is a teacher, check out Cornerstone Cares. This free website is filled with Cornerstone online learning content and includes a dedicated set of training resources for K-12 teachers.

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Nitto Denko Corporation : créer un environnement de formation unifié à l'échelle mondiale et promouvoir l'apprentissage grâce à une expérience et à un interface utilisateur fluides

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