
Becoming Mindfit

Are you ready for the future?

The world is in a state of constant flux — increasingly disruptive, chaotic, and unpredictable. Not only are we living in the fourth industrial revolution of swift technological advancement, we are also experiencing and working to recover from a global pandemic.

But often, more is in our control than we realize. In a rapidly evolving world that heavily relies on our ability to adapt, it is important to recognize that we can choose our mindset and our behaviors.

To be prepared to handle anything that comes your way, mental fitness is essential. So, how exactly do you achieve mental fitness?

Mental fitness 101: How to build a fit mind

The Mindfit model — developed by award-winning and best-selling author and presenter Liggy Webb — is key to preparing ourselves for unchartered territories.

Becoming “Mindfit” — the act of exercising the way we think and behave on a regular basis — is about cultivating behaviors that will help us be fit for the future. Using this model, you and your team will be fully empowered to meet any challenges that may lie ahead.

In this white paper written by Liggy Webb, you’ll learn:

  • Why mental fitness is more important than ever, critical to unlocking our ability to evolve, change, and adapt
  • What the Mindfit model is, how it was developed, and how it can help you rise to meet the future-ready
  • How to foster the five critical components of a fit mind — resilience, curiosity, flexibility, creativity, and kindness

Get the whitepaper now and start strengthening your mental fitness to become a more balanced, productive, and innovative contributor.

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