On-demand webinar

How to Help Your People Grow and Excel in the Public Sector

The economy is tougher than ever, and we’re all challenged to do more with less. In today’s constantly changing world of work, organizations that fail to upskill their employees risk losing their best talent.

In this Lunch & Learn, you’ll learn how Cornerstone’s Public Sector content subscription can help you stay ahead of the curve by investing in your current workforce. You’ll learn how you can address skills gaps and empower your people to be more productive, efficient, and adaptable to the latest technological changes.

In this session, we’ll cover a range of topics, including:

  • What Cornerstone is hearing from our public sector customers about how compliance and skill development content aligns with today’s business needs
  • The latest data trends that support why self-directed learning is instrumental to attracting and retaining your people
  • How you can take advantage of Cornerstone tools and resources that are dedicated to supporting your success

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Hoe Mahindra Group leren opnieuw heeft uitgevonden


Hoe Mahindra Group leren opnieuw heeft uitgevonden

De Mahindra Group is een van de grootste en meest gerespecteerde multinationals ter wereld. In de ruim 70 jaar sinds de oprichting is de groep uitgegroeid tot een organisatie met 260.000 medewerkers verspreid over meer dan 100 landen.

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