
The link between belonging and talent development

A sense of belonging comes from all the experiences in an ecosystem. The more this responds to the natural desires of human beings to grow and to feel comfortable doing so, the stronger the psychological contract that is established. The Cornerstone study "Ready, Set, Grow: The Building Blocks for High-Impact Talent Mobility" enhances the evidence of how engagement is directly related to the learning and growth opportunities that an organisation gives to its employees.

The report's key findings include:

The report's key findings include:

  • High Belonging employees are 190% more likely to say their manager would support their career growth.
  • High Belonging employees are more interested in every kind of learning: for their current job, future job, or even personal interests that may have no job impact.
  • Low Belonging employees are twice as likely to say they wouldn’t consider other career opportunities inside the business.

Development through horizontal mobility is, therefore, one of the ways that organisations can, with the support of supervisors and visibility of job opportunities with easy-to-use tools, strengthen the contractual and emotional bond with their employees. High-performing companies are a good example of this, with their results leveraged in a development proposal based on:

1. A formal communication process and approach for learning and career options.

2. A technology-enabled strategy to make mobility opportunities visible, offer skills development and manage the impact of the investment made.

3. A set of formal, established career paths, as well as a skill-based strategy.

This article first appeared in Observatorio de Recursos Humanos.

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Vijf belangrijke voordelen van een 'talent marketplace'


Vijf belangrijke voordelen van een 'talent marketplace'

Werknemers blijven tegenwoordig zelden op hetzelfde loopbaantraject. Ze klimmen niet meer omhoog op dezelfde afdeling of bij hetzelfde bedrijf, maar veranderen vaker van functie en sector om hun vaardigheden uit te breiden. HR-teams (human resources) kunnen daar optimaal gebruik van maken met een 'talent marketplace'. Dit biedt mobiliteitsmogelijkheden en stimuleert medewerkers om hun loopbaantraject in eigen handen te nemen.

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