
ICYMI: 5 Ways to Empower Employees With Future Skills

Cornerstone Editors

Editor's Note: In today's fast-paced news cycle, we know it's difficult to keep up with the latest and greatest HR trends and stories. To make sure you're updated, we're recapping our most popular articles every month in our "In Case You Missed It" series. Keep reading for February's top stories!

10 Ways Leaders Can Unleash Corporate Capacity

Corporate capacity is a company's ability to anticipate, react to and sometimes even get ahead of market changes. It's key for creating an organization that thinks creatively, acts cohesively and remains dedicated to success—here's how leaders can unleash corporate capacity.

5 Ways to Empower Employees With Future Skills

In partnership with Cornerstone OnDemand, the Institute for the Future unveiled a Future Skills Map highlighting the capabilities that modern workers need. Read on for five future skills that you can nurture in your employees today.

To Minimize Sexism, AI Must Learn to Stop It

Although machines aren't biased at their core, they can learn to be, and it's up to HR managers to prevent this from happening. Machines can also learn to spot bias, and stop it, but HR teams have to take these measures.

How to Inspire Intellectual Curiosity in Employees

While some employees naturally love learning, others need a little help to get motivated. Use these four tips to inspire intellectual curiosity and stop passively training employees.

8 Simple SEM and SEO Strategies for Recruiters

Using SEM and SEO strategies can boost recruiters' chances of getting a job opening noticed. These simple recruiting hacks can help your next job posting find its way to the right candidates.

Photo: Creative Commons

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Spotlight på Electrolux och Ageas: Förbereda och genomföra effektiva utbildningsprogram


Spotlight på Electrolux och Ageas: Förbereda och genomföra effektiva utbildningsprogram

Om man vill uppnå affärsresultat genom att investera i lärande krävs en engagemangsstrategi som gör utbildningsmaterial tillgängligt och lättåtkomligt för medarbetarna. Organisationer måste lansera och genomföra utbildningsprogram på ett effektivt sätt för att de ska ha maximal effekt för både medarbetare och verksamheten som helhet. Både Ageas och Electrolux har framgångsrikt lanserat digitala utbildningsprogram som stöds av aktiviteter som håller uppe engagemangsnivån.

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