
Supercharge skill development through performance planning

As an HR professional, you have to keep your entire organisation ahead of the curve to succeed. Skills are the bridge connecting individual performance and holistic growth within your organisation. In other words, for your entire company to achieve its potential, every person on your team needs to achieve their own goals first.

There’s good news: that doesn't have to be scary or difficult.

Our new eBook gives you actionable strategies and best practices to create or enhance your skill development programs through performance planning. We'll guide you on the journey of integrating upskilling and reskilling into continuous performance management conversations, laying a solid foundation for future success. You’ll also delve into how skill development can be a key driver of employee satisfaction and productivity.

But don't just take our word for it, McKinsey & Company quantified the transformative power of skill development. According to their research:

  • Organisations providing 74 hours of annual training are four times more likely to achieve revenue growth.
  • 35% of employees who receive skill development opportunities advance within their organisation.
  • Companies focusing on skill development experience revenue growth twice as fast as their peers since 2020.

Imagine a workplace where skill development is seamlessly woven into regular performance dialogues. As your people achieve growth beyond their wildest dreams, so will your organisation!

So are you ready to supercharge skill development for your people? Download our eBook today and embark on a journey towards a more engaged, motivated, and adaptable workforce.

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Cornerstone Performance


Cornerstone Performance

Oavsett om du har medarbetarsamtal en gång om året eller en ständigt pågående utvärderingsprocess, kan du med Cornerstone Performance sätta upp mål, coacha medarbetare, generera feedback, leda talangutveckling och uppmärksamma bra resultat. Prestationsutvärdering och kompetensdata länkas sömlöst till internt lärande för medarbetardriven och ledarstödd tillväxt. Helt enkelt för att det bästa sättet att skapa tillväxt i hela verksamheten är att investera i medarbetar- och talangutveckling med Cornerstone Performance.

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