
Bridge the Workforce Skills Gap: 3 Key Places to Start

New global research from the Cornerstone People Research Lab shows that organizational leaders and employees are rallying around the importance of skills.

However, the research identified a serious confidence gap between employers and employees about their ability to consume skills development and showed that it is challenging to develop critical skills in a way that’s effective and meaningful for employees.

90% of leaders vs 60% of employees feel confident in their company’s ability to develop their skills

The acceleration of workplace change, with both short-term shocks and long-term trends, is making employees concerned about a skills deficit and is leaving them feeling insecure about the future of their core skills and roles.

This e-book offers practical next steps for talent leaders to address and enable skills development to empower their people and organization.

In this eBook you’ll gain insight into:

  • Closing employee confidence gaps in your skills development programs
  • Identifying the skills employees need to succeed
  • And removing barriers in skills development

Learn more with practical steps for developing skills at scale to build stronger, more adaptable and resilient people and organizations.

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Spotlight på Electrolux och Ageas: Förbereda och genomföra effektiva utbildningsprogram


Spotlight på Electrolux och Ageas: Förbereda och genomföra effektiva utbildningsprogram

Om man vill uppnå affärsresultat genom att investera i lärande krävs en engagemangsstrategi som gör utbildningsmaterial tillgängligt och lättåtkomligt för medarbetarna. Organisationer måste lansera och genomföra utbildningsprogram på ett effektivt sätt för att de ska ha maximal effekt för både medarbetare och verksamheten som helhet. Både Ageas och Electrolux har framgångsrikt lanserat digitala utbildningsprogram som stöds av aktiviteter som håller uppe engagemangsnivån.

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