
9 Onboarding and Talent Management Lessons from The Walking Dead

Cornerstone Editors

Despite the fact that HR can sometimes feel like the dead center of a zombie apocalypse, it's probably the last place you might expect to discover valuable talent management lessons.

While the stakes might not be as dire at your company as they are for Rick Grimes and his crew, many "survival" principles still apply. You need a solid, dedicated team to outmaneuver the competition that is hungry for your share of the market (and your delicious brain). Just as the Walking Dead survivors seek out hubs of resources, your employees also need a "home base" that facilitates communication, skill development, and collaboration. You also need to be aware of "dead weight", or employees that are toxic to the productive environment of your company.

This charming little infographic explores nine parallels between talent management and The Walking Dead. Seriously.

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